ENCODE Pseudogenes

6-Jan-2006 Freeze Pseudogenes (or version 2)

File of 201 concensus pseudogenes in ENCODE coordinates is available in two formats: one-line per pseudogene or one-line per pseudoexon, pseudointron etc.

This version of the pseudogenes has been extensively curated by Adam Frankish. (It is also available in hg17 chromosome coordinates (one-line per pseudogene or one-line per pseudoexon, pseudointron etc) or as a set in a DB.)

The difference between lists of Oct-15-2005 and Jan-6-2006 is available.

15-Oct-2005 Freeze Pseudogenes (or version 1)

Text file of 198 concensus pseudogenes in ENCODE coordinates in two formats: one-line per pseudogene or one-line per pseudoexon
(Also available in hg17 chromosome coordinates (one-line per pseudogene or one-line per pseudoexon) or as a set in a DB, and with alignments to parent proteins.)

Roadmap to the 15-Oct Concensus

There are 4 components of the concensus -- GIS, HAVANA, UCSC-retro, and Yale. Here is a description of how the concensus was generated and a table showing how the concensus intersects with its 4 components (plus UCSC-duplicated and 19 GENCODE exons).

Further Information

Comments to Deyou Zheng (deyou.zheng at yale.edu).