- Data: Complete human, worm and fly pseudogene annotation and biochemical activity .
- Description: PsiCube consists of comparative analysis of pseudogene annotation, activity and evolution across human, worm and fly. In this analysis, we find the pseudogene complement has a strong lineage specificity which reflects each organims's evolution. However, we also find notable similarities in pseudogene activity among species. A majority of pseudogenes in each organism exhibit varying degree of partial activity, and in particular, a consistent fraction of pseudogenes are transcribed across all organisms.
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- Data: Pseudogene annotation from GENCODE version 7 and their activities in 5 ENCODE cell lines .
- Description: Genome-wide human pseudogene annotation from Gencode 7 and their biochemical activities in 5 ENCODE cell lines (GM12878, K562, H1-hESC, HeLa-S3 and HepG2). Pseudogene conservation has also been studied by comparing the annotion with the variation data from primate alignments and the 1000 Genomes project. An updated analysis on GENCODE version 10 pseudogenes is also included in psiCube.
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